What is the Process for Sealing Granite Benchtops in Perth?

Imagine walking into your kitchen, greeted by the timeless elegance of a granite benchtop. 

Its smooth, glossy surface reflects the light, and the rich, natural hues add warmth and character to your space. Granite benchtops have become a coveted feature in homes across Perth, and it’s no surprise why.

But to keep these exquisite surfaces looking their best for years to come, there’s an essential step you must take – sealing.

In this article, we’ll delve into the process of sealing granite benchtops in Perth. We’ll cover everything from why sealing is necessary, the steps involved, and some expert tips to ensure your benchtop remains a stunning centrepiece in your home.

Whether you’re a proud owner of a benchtop or considering one for your home, understanding the sealing process is crucial.

Granite has been gaining popularity in Perth, and it’s easy to see why. Not only do they exude natural beauty, but they’re also incredibly durable and heat-resistant, making them ideal for busy kitchens.

Granite can be a porous material, meaning it can absorb liquids and stains if left untreated. That’s where sealing comes in.

Sealing your benchtop is like giving it a protective shield. It prevents liquids, oils, and other substances from penetrating the surface and causing stains. It also enhances the stone’s natural colours, making them more vibrant and captivating.

So, if you want your benchtop to maintain its exquisite appearance and resist wear and tear, sealing is a must.

In the following sections, we’ll walk you through:

  • The step-by-step process of sealing your granite benchtop
  • The materials you need
  • The preparation required
  • The actual sealing process. 

We’ll also share some valuable tips and considerations to ensure a flawless result.

By the end of this article, you’ll have all the knowledge you need to keep your benchtop in pristine condition.

So, let’s dive in and unlock the secrets of sealing granite benchtops in Perth!


  • Consider the type of granite, frequency of use, and existing damage before sealing.
  • Gather the essential components, including sealant, cleaner, safety gear, applicators, and painter’s tape.
  • Take safety precautions, including proper ventilation and protective gear.
  • Call a professional for complex granite types, extensive damage, or if you’re unsure.
  • Budget for the project by estimating costs and exploring financial incentives and cost-saving opportunities.

Overview of Sealing Granite Benchtops

Sealing is a crucial step in benchtop maintenance that can be carried out by professionals or as a DIY project.

Here’s an overview of the service/product and its associated benefits:

1. Protection Against Stains:

 Granite, though stunning, has tiny pores that can trap liquids and oils, leading to unsightly stains. Sealing creates a barrier, preventing substances from seeping into the stone.

This means that spills, splatters, and accidental mishaps won’t leave a lasting mark on your beautiful benchtop.

2. Enhanced Durability:

Sealing doesn’t just shield against stains; it also reinforces the durability of your benchtop.

By sealing the surface, you’re adding an extra layer of strength that helps it withstand daily wear and tear, ensuring that it remains a reliable workhorse in your kitchen for years.

3. Preserving Natural Beauty:

One of the most captivating features is its natural beauty, characterised by unique patterns and colours. Sealing doesn’t alter these characteristics but enhances them, making your benchtop even more visually appealing.

The sealant accentuates the stone’s natural hues and patterns, giving it a polished and sophisticated look.

4. Longevity:

By investing in the sealing process, you’re essentially investing in the long-term lifespan of your benchtop. It helps maintain the stone’s integrity, ensuring it doesn’t deteriorate prematurely.

This means fewer repairs and replacements, saving you both time and money in the long run.

5. Easy Maintenance:

Sealed benchtops are a breeze to maintain. Regular cleaning with a mild, pH-balanced cleaner is usually all that’s required to keep them looking pristine. MB Stonecare’s MB5 ‘Stone & More’

This simplicity in maintenance is a significant advantage for busy homeowners who want both beauty and practicality in their kitchens.


6. Increased Home Value:

Should you ever decide to sell your home, a well-maintained benchtop can be a compelling selling point. Buyers often appreciate the luxurious appeal of granite, and knowing that it’s been properly sealed can be a significant plus.

Now that we’ve explored the myriad benefits of sealing your benchtop, it’s time to uncover the steps involved in the sealing process.

In the next section, we’ll guide you through each stage, ensuring you have all the knowledge you need to maintain the beauty and durability of this stunning feature in your home.

Assessing Your Needs and Gathering Resources

Before you dive into the process of sealing your benchtop, it’s crucial to assess your specific needs and requirements. Additionally, you’ll need to gather the necessary tools and resources to ensure a smooth and successful sealing project.

Let’s explore these aspects in detail:

1. Assess Your Needs and Requirements:

  • Type of Granite: Different varieties may have varying levels of porosity and susceptibility to staining. Understanding your specific type will help you choose the right sealant and approach.
  • Frequency of Use: Assess how frequently your benchtop is used and the types of activities it’s subjected to. If it’s a high-traffic kitchen bench, you might need a more robust sealant than one used in a bathroom or a less-used area.
  • Existing Damage: Check for any existing stains or damage on your benchtop. If there are stains, you may need to address them before sealing. Small repairs may be necessary to ensure an even finish.

2. Gather the Tools and Resources:

  • Sealant: Select a high-quality sealant that suits your specific needs. Consult with professionals or read product labels to choose the right one. MB Stoncare’s MB24 Barrier sealer
  • Cleaner: You’ll need a pH-balanced cleaner to thoroughly clean the surface before sealing. Avoid using harsh chemicals or acidic cleaners that can damage the stone.MB Stonecare’s MB5 ‘Stone & More’
  • Protective Gear: Safety first! Gather items like gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself during the sealing process. Ensure proper ventilation in the area.
  • Clean Cloths and Applicator: Soft, lint-free cloths or applicator pads are essential for applying the sealant evenly. Avoid abrasive materials that could scratch the surface.
  • Painter’s Tape: If your benchtop is near other surfaces like tiles or cabinetry, use painter’s tape to protect these areas from accidental sealant spills.
  • Time and Patience: Dedicate sufficient time and patience to ensure the process is done correctly. Allow the sealant to cure as per the manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Seek Professional Guidance:

If you’re uncertain about your specific stone type, the right sealant, or the condition of your benchtop, don’t hesitate to consult with a professional. An experienced technician can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on your unique situation.

By assessing your needs, gathering the necessary tools and resources, and seeking professional guidance when necessary, you’re setting yourself up for a successful project.

Your Comprehensive Guide to Sealing Components

To embark on the journey of sealing your benchtop successfully, you need the right components and tools at your disposal.

We’ll walk you through each essential component, recommend suitable brands or types, and offer tips on sourcing quality items locally:

1. Sealant:

  • Recommendation: Look for reputable brands such as MB Stoncare’s MB24 Barrier sealer, a granite-specific sealer for the best results.
  • Local Sourcing Tip: Granite Warehouse stocks a full range of MB Stonecare products for every application

2. Cleaner:

3. Protective Gear:

  • Recommendation: For safety, choose latex or nitrile gloves and safety glasses.
  • Local Sourcing Tip: Visit a local hardware store or pharmacy for protective gear. Ensure a proper fit for comfort and safety.

4. Clean Clothes and Applicator:

  • Recommendation: Lint-free microfiber cloths are ideal for application. Applicator pads designed for stone sealing are also excellent choices.
  • Local Sourcing Tip: Look for microfiber cloths in supermarkets or auto supply stores. Stone-specific applicator pads may be available at stone supply shops or online.

5. Painter’s Tape:

  • Recommendation: Any reputable brand of painter’s tape will suffice.
  • Local Sourcing Tip: Painter’s tape is commonly available in hardware stores, home improvement centres, or online marketplaces.

6. Time and Patience:

  • Recommendation: Dedicate ample time for the sealing process; rushing can lead to uneven results.
  • Local Sourcing Tip: Time and patience are your resources. Ensure you allocate enough time without distractions to complete the job effectively.

7. Professional Consultation:

  • Recommendation: If in doubt about your specific sealing requirements, consult a professional stone technician.
  • Local Sourcing Tip: Search online for local stone maintenance or sealing experts. Or contact Granite Warehouse.

By gathering these essential components and tools, you’ll be well-prepared to tackle the process with confidence.

Remember that investing in quality components ensures a job well done and a benchtop that retains its beauty for years to come.

In the following section, we’ll guide you through the step-by-step process of sealing your benchtop, making use of these carefully selected components.

Sealing Your Granite Benchtop: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success

Now that you’ve gathered your essential components, it’s time to dive into the step-by-step process of sealing your benchtop. Follow these instructions carefully, keeping safety precautions and best practices in mind throughout

Step 1: Prepare Your Workspace

  • Start by ensuring proper ventilation in your workspace. Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate.
  • Lay down drop cloths to protect the surrounding areas from any potential drips or spills.

Step 2: Clean the Surface

  • Use your pH-balanced cleaner to thoroughly clean the benchtop. Remove any dirt, stains, or residues.MB Stonecare’s MB5 ‘Stone & More’
  • Rinse the surface with clean water and allow it to dry completely.

Step 3: Apply Painter’s Tape

  • If your benchtop is adjacent to other surfaces, apply painter’s tape to protect it from accidental sealant contact.

Step 4: Safety Gear

  • Put on your latex or nitrile gloves and safety glasses to protect yourself during the sealing process.

Step 5: Apply the Sealant

  • Shake the sealant container well to ensure even distribution.
  • Pour a small amount of sealant onto the benchtop. Spread it evenly using a clean cloth or stone-specific applicator pad.
  • Work in small sections, typically 1m2, to ensure thorough coverage.
  • Allow the sealant to sit on the surface for the recommended time specified on the product label. This usually ranges from 15 minutes to 30 minutes, depending on the brand.
  • During this time, monitor the benchtop to ensure the sealant doesn’t dry too quickly. If it does, apply more sealant.

Step 6: Check for Residue

  • After the recommended time has passed, check for any residue or haze left by the sealant. If present, buff it away with a clean, dry cloth.

Step 7: Repeat if Necessary

  • For some stone varieties, a second coat may be recommended. Follow the same process as above if instructed by the sealant manufacturer.

Step 8: Allow to Cure

  • Let the sealed benchtop cure for the specified time indicated on the sealant label. This can vary but often ranges from 24 hours.
  • Keep the area well-ventilated during the curing process.

Step 9: Clean Up

  • Dispose of used cloths, applicator pads, and other materials as recommended on the sealant container.
  • Remove painter’s tape carefully to avoid damaging surrounding surfaces.

When to Call a Professional:

While sealing your benchtop can be a DIY project, there are situations where it’s best to call in a professional installer:

  • Complex Stone Types: If you have a particularly delicate or exotic variety, consulting a professional can ensure it’s sealed correctly.
  • Extensive Damage: If your benchtop has extensive stains or damage, a professional may be needed to assess and repair it before sealing.
  • Uncertainty: If you’re unsure about your stone type, the right sealant, or the process, it’s better to seek expert guidance to avoid potential mistakes.

Granite Warehouse can help you, give us a call if you’re not sure.

By following these steps, taking necessary safety precautions, and knowing when to seek professional assistance, you can successfully seal your benchtop, preserving its beauty and durability for years to come.

Budgeting for Sealing Granite Benchtops: Costs Savings.

It’s essential to be mindful of the costs involved and explore potential ways to save on your project.

Here’s a cost breakdown and some financial considerations to help you plan:

Cost Breakdown:

Expense Estimated Cost
Sealant $80 – $110 (varies by brand and quantity)
pH-Balanced Cleaner $30 – $40 (varies by brand and size)
Painter’s Tape $5 – $10 (for a standard roll)
Safety Gear (Gloves, Glasses) $10 – $20 (varies by quality)
Clean Cloths/Applicator $5 – $15 (depending on type)
Professional Consultation (if needed) Varies based on service

Note: Prices may vary based on brand, location, and quantity purchased.


Tips for Budgeting and Cost Saving:

  1. Shop Smart: The Cheapest brands are not always the most efficient as some are no better than using water. Make sure you use a reputable brand such as MB Stonecare and you won’t have to use as much product to get the job done.
  2. DIY vs. Professional: Consider your skills and the complexity of the project. While DIY is cost-effective, hiring a professional can ensure a flawless finish and may be more cost-efficient in the long run if mistakes are avoided but something like sealing your granite can easily be done DIY.
  3. Maintenance: Regularly clean and maintain your benchtop to extend its lifespan. Preventing stains and damage through proper care can save you money on future repairs.

By careful budgeting and making cost-effective choices, you can make sealing your benchtop a financially manageable project.


Preserve and Enjoy: A Recap of Sealing Granite Benchtops

Here’s a quick recap of the most important takeaways:

Key Points to Remember:

  • Sealing is essential to protect against stains, enhance durability, and preserve natural beauty.
  • Consider the type of stone, frequency of use, and existing damage before sealing.
  • Gather the essential components, including sealant, cleaner, safety gear, applicators, and painter’s tape.
  • Take safety precautions, including proper ventilation and protective gear.
  • Follow a step-by-step process, from cleaning to applying sealant and allowing it to cure.
  • Call a professional for complex stone types, extensive damage, or if you’re unsure.
  • Regular maintenance is key to prolonging the life and beauty of your sealed benchtop.

By following these guidelines, you can enjoy the lasting beauty and functionality of your benchtop for years to come. 

Whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or seeking professional assistance, the process of sealing your benchtop is a rewarding endeavour that ensures your home maintains its charm and elegance.

Now, armed with the knowledge and insights from this article, you’re ready to embark on your journey. Preserving the beauty of your home has never been more achievable.

Unlock the Beauty of Your Benchtop Today!

If you’re ready to enhance the beauty and durability of your benchtop or have any questions about the sealing process, don’t hesitate to reach out to the experts at Granite Warehouse. 

Our team is here to provide personalized advice and answer your queries.

Contact us today to discuss your project and discover how we can help you preserve and enjoy the elegance of your home. Your stunning benchtop awaits, and we’re here to make it shine!